Thursday, January 6, 2011

Turn Right at the Light...and Just Keep Going

First post of the new year. 2011. Holy shit. And I'm inspired by the blog, Lemonade, to take a different approach to my writings here. After all, it is the little things in life that can make all the difference. And it is looking at the positive/humorous side of things that allows us to get through the mucky parts of life.

One of the common themes in my recent posts has been my discouragement over being disliked or misunderstood by people who I consider(ed) friends. Well, I'm done with that. Hamster's jumpin' off of that wheel. As of right now. Finis. There are too many folks out there that 'get' me and love me and accept me for who I am. Those are the relationships I need to nurture and cultivate. It's time to feed my soul. No antagonism towards others, just acceptance that all relationships are different and some just work (and some don't.)

So, thanks AB, for the inspiration. I'm gonna turn right (towards the positive) at the light and keep moving forward. With a little help from my friends, I'll make it a good year!


  1. Awesome! Glad to be an inspiration. Maybe we can get a whole bunch of people writing about the things for which they are thankful and those that inspire know, flip the script a bit. Nice post, good to see you making that turn too! love

  2. I love what you wrote! I have dubbed 2011 "the year of being honest". Not at the expense of others' feelings-just reinforcing that things won't change if I don't speak up/communicate about what I want, don't want, like or dislike, etc. You go, Lori-it's gonna be a great year!

  3. Hey Joanna, thanks! Can't tell you how many times I've missed having you nearby to get together with, rake things over the coals, solve the problems of the world! :)

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