Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Year of Turning 50

And so it begins. The offical year I will turn 50 years old. And I've made a goal: I have registered to participate in the Rock & Roll Half Marathon in Virginia Beach, VA on Labor Day weekend. Yes me, non-runner that I am. And I blame it on Wii Fit. My little jogs w/Wii Fit of late, combined with my need for a challenge and desire to lose weight and get more healthy this year, prompted me to take the plunge. Thanks to Lee and the rest of the team that will be training and participating together, I made the commitment yesterday and signed up. I know that I will receive a lot of encouragement and support from this group, and what fun it will be to do this with them! Rebecca is on board, hopefully will train a little with me and will definitely be there to cheer me on. On your mark, get set...egads!!


  1. I thought I would do the Labor Day Half Marathon too. Then I started running. Then I thought, hmmm...I'll just sign up then fake an injury or illness and chill out on the beach while all the rest of you run.

    Just kidding. Sorta. No really!

    What I mean is, you go girl! You're a better woman than I.

  2. My hope is to be a better woman than I am right now. My running is more like a step above a fast walk. And my only goals are to a) finish, and b) finish uninjured. Lope, walk or crawl, I will finish! And the training up to that point can't be bad for me, right?!
